Alter Your Health
Alter Your Health
#393 - TMS Series // Living in a Material World
In this episode we explore how our "material world" influences the manifestation of TMS/MindBody Syndrome. Interestingly, the very symptoms that one experiences is influenced not only by one's own personal experiences, but also subconsciously through collective and cultural influences. This leads to the infinite expression of TMS symptoms that one may experience at any given time.
Since your belief system is also a factor of the world in which you live, it can be difficult to break free from the mythology of physical symptoms resulting from physical causes. This is especially true when navigating the medical system (both conventional and alternative) as well as simply going about daily life in relationships with friends, family, and the general public.
Healing TMS means breaking free from the belief system from which TMS is bred, seeing the holes in the materialistic logic so that you can embrace the truth of the multidimensional mindbody phenomenon.
Hopefully you can start to get a glimpse of freedom from TMS - it's closer than you might think!
For more support in your healing, check out the TMS Free Life Program (https://www.alter.health/tms-free-life) or 1-1 coaching with Dr. Ben (https://www.alter.health/mind-body-coaching)
Links to more good stuff
- GREEN FORCE! - www.visfoods.co (use the code AlterYourHealth for $10 off)
- Eat More, Weigh Less Program - www.alter.health/eat-more-weigh-less
- 1-on-1 Nutritional Analysis Package - www.alter.health/nutritional-analysis
- Get the Alter Health weekly WFPB Meal Guides: www.alter.health/meal-guides
- Thrive on Plants Program: www.alter.health/thrive-on-plants
- TMS Free Life Program - www.alter.health/tms-free-life