Alter Your Health
Your source of information and inspiration to promote the holistic transformation of your health and the health of our planet! Dr. Benjamin chats with all sorts of experts in the fields of consciousness, holistic health, spirituality, and nutrition diving deep to access and share the nuggets of truth that support the growth and evolution of people and the planet.
Alter Your Health
#389 - We're Back! Dr. Ben's Healing Insights
Dr. Benjamin Alter
Episode 389
After a LONG hiatus, I'm back for a special episode of Alter Your Health.
In this episode, I/Dr. Ben share...
- How I healed from a "chronic illness"
- The insights and learnings from the healing process
- Updates from Alter Health and what's ahead in 2025
- The future of the Podcast (?)
- The latest from the new venture, Vis Foods
- + more
Some links referenced:
- Breathwork practice - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVchZ8D15Ec
- TMS Free Life Program - https://www.alter.health/tms-free-life
- GREEN FORCE! - www.visfoods.co (use the code AlterYourHealth for $10 off)
Links to more good stuff
- GREEN FORCE! - www.visfoods.co (use the code AlterYourHealth for $10 off)
- Eat More, Weigh Less Program - www.alter.health/eat-more-weigh-less
- 1-on-1 Nutritional Analysis Package - www.alter.health/nutritional-analysis
- Get the Alter Health weekly WFPB Meal Guides: www.alter.health/meal-guides
- Thrive on Plants Program: www.alter.health/thrive-on-plants
- TMS Free Life Program - www.alter.health/tms-free-life