Alter Life
Your perception shapes your reality. Alter Life is about shaking up stale thoughts, letting go of limiting beliefs, and exploring new ways to feel better, think clearer, and live more fully. This podcast dives into the deep connections between mindset, health, and consciousness—helping you thrive in your authenticity. From holistic health and nutrition to personal growth and expanded awareness, we explore what it really means to live well and feel fulfilled.
Alter Life
#357 - Why I'm No Longer Vegan...
This may come as a big surprise for you... or maybe you saw it coming.
There are still a bunch of vegan doctors in the world, but now one fewer.
I've personally experienced more health than I knew was possible. I've had better endurance, physical performance, and recovery. I've optimized my digestion and created a level of superb resilience to disease and immunity to infection. I've also witnessed countless similar wins in the clients and members of Thrive on Plants.
A vegan diet has treated me very well, but I'm done being vegan.
I hope you know that I am kidding... well, sort of. I actually am not vegan and I want to talk about that in this episode. But I most definitely still follow a whole food plant based lifestyle. There is a very significant, and growing, difference between the two that I believe important to discuss.
That's what this is all about - an evidence based discussion as opposed to idealogical dogma.
I understand I may be turning off a lot of "vegans" now, but that's okay. This is an important topic to discuss.
Some highlights from today's episode...
- The main difference between a vegan diet and a whole food plant based diet
- Why its important to stay free of ideological dogma when it comes to pursuing optimal health
- The non-vegan items and actions I use and consume and why I am okay with them
- The main tenants of veganism and the hypocrisy in the vegan community at large
- How we can move towards embracing more natural whole plant foods in the diet with grace, ease, and compassion
1) The next WFPB Challenge is coming right up starting December 31st - yes, New Year's Eve!
Learn More & Register for the Free Challenge!
2) The Alter Health Winter Cleanse is starting January 13th!
Join us for the Deeply Nourishing Reset - just $79!
Links to some more good stuff
- Get the Alter Health weekly WFPB Meal Guides: https://www.alter.health/meal-guides
- Cleanse with Us during the next Alter Health Cleanse: https://www.alter.health/cleanse
- Work with us in the Thrive on Plants program: https://www.alter.health/thrive-on-plants
- ATTN Health Practitioners! Learn more and apply to the Plant Based Mind Body Practitioner Program: https://www.alter.health/pbmb-practitioner
Peace and Love.
Links to more good stuff
- GREEN FORCE! - www.visfoods.co (use the code AlterYourHealth for $10 off)
- Eat More, Weigh Less Program - www.alter.health/eat-more-weigh-less
- 1-on-1 Nutritional Analysis Package - www.alter.health/nutritional-analysis
- Get the Alter Health weekly WFPB Meal Guides: www.alter.health/meal-guides
- Thrive on Plants Program: www.alter.health/thrive-on-plants
- TMS Free Life Program - www.alter.health/tms-free-life